Ok Cristi, here you go. Photos of the newly decorated bedroom (& my haircut included). As I said before, the color is richer than it appears in the photos - a bit warmer! It is a very peaceful feeling when you enter the room! I'm lovin' it.
Still haven't re-hung the paintings yet. One has color that I don't think is going to work in there, so we are deciding which art to hang. Then it will look different again!
Adam got on another boat back to work yesterday which was a great relief as there was a problem when he got off two weeks ago and he was uncertain of his status. He was reassigned and boarded a boat yesterday and I'm very relieved. Having had the problem with his job with he and three other men told them may not have jobs, then his Dad died 4 days later and having to deal with all those conflicting emotions, it was a rough trip home for him this time. He did make it up to see Landis this past weekend and their half-brother Tim and his wife came to spend the day with them, so it was good they all had an opportunity to be together again. Johnnie's death has stirred up a lot of strange feelings from sadness at the terrible circumstances of an alcoholic death to relief from years of fear and torment, to the awkwardness of those feelings, and the sadness too that the children will have to deal with the confusion of sorrow, relief and guilt because of the relief. It's a hard thing when someone dies who has alienated everyone who ever tried to love him because people just can't say, oh how he will be missed. Mostly, we can say we can't believe he lived as long as he did, and it's good that he is no longer in misery, and can no longer torment others. Johnnie T. Wilson, Jr., 6/22/46 to 3/7/09 - dead at the age of 62 from hypovolemic shock due to peptic ulcer disease, due to chronic alcoholism, according to the medical examiner. Wow.
LOVE the room!
Celestia's dad died almost 5 years ago, (we originally thought it was from drug use, but it turned out to be a brain tumor) and I can completely relate to all of the different emotions one feels in those circumstances. It was especially difficult trying to explain to a 6-year-old without talking negatively about her dad, which I always tried not to do. I'm sorry to hear that your family is going through this.
Yes mom told me about JW. Sorry that his life had to be the way it was. Really sad. I will be praying for the kids. Your room is gorgeous. It really makes me want to paint mine. I love the brown. Its great. I know I am doing ceilings this summer, maybe I will go on and do my room too. My small problem is I have to do something that goes with the blue carpet. Cant really afford to change that yet. I like your hair. You look cute with that short look. I took pictures of mine too. I will get them to you - Maybe on my blog. Good posting. Keep it up!
Did you get my first comment???
I love the color. You inspired me to do my bedroom this summer. Oh and I know I posted two other comments that havent show up yet.
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